Memories And Learning On Our Makeup Courses

Memories And Learning On Our Makeup Courses

I was searching for notes on my computer and stumbled on saved blogs from many years gone by. They were wonderful to read and also quite upsetting as to how long we have been teaching for and how old I am getting! One blog was about the time “One Direction” came to...

Christine talks to BAFTA 2019 winner Nadia Stacey

If you have missed Christine’s Live Zoom session with Nadia, here is your chance to watch the online chat again – 2 Award winning Hair & Makeup Designers discussing their craft. Nadia Stacey, “The Favourite” Hair & Makeup Designer & 2019 BAFTA...

What Are Your First Jobs In The Morning?

We asked our wonderful Simone, who has begun her second major project since leaving the Makeup Academy;What Are Your First Jobs In The Morning?  Well it depends on what we have going on for that day so I’ll give you a couple of different scenarios of how my days...