Afternoon Tea

Date : TBC

We are so honoured to have welcomed some of the leading UK Hair & Makeup Designers to our Academy in the past and listened to them talk about their amazing careers in the Film industry. We look forward to having more Afternoon tea guests in the future and will let you know what’s coming up as soon as we are able.

Not One But Two Makeup Designers!

come to our london academy for a cup of tea

Afternoon Tea with Naomi Donne

Naomi Donne, was our Afternoon guest and we were in for a real passionate talk. Naomi’s last film was “1917”, to give you an idea of how important she is! She showed us her show reel and I have to say, even though I had researched her, I was still wowed by the amount of brilliant films that she has worked on.

Once the iced buns and fresh cream cakes had been dispensed with, Naomi began.

What struck me most was her passion, still for industry that she loves working in. there was much talk of communication and relationships between each department. This is something that Christine herself is very passionate about reiterating to the students; communicate and talk ……

“ The first thing I do…” began Naomi, “ is go and see the Costume designer. I must understand what she is trying to do and so consequently I can design my makeup. They have to complement one another otherwise the look will not work!!”

This is very important. On our Five Month Course, we will be asking a Costume designer to come in a give a lecture about the relationship between costume and makeup.

“ After I have created an idea the next or even the most important people are the actors; will it work what I have designed? Will they be happy wearing the makeup? Will it convey the story? “

Naomi, went on to talk about research and its importance.

Christine, arrived half way through the tea and joined in the, by now, a very intimate and cosy banter.

Both designers talked of their varied films, Naomi from “Cinderella” and big budget to “Lady In The Van” a small budget film. Christine from her new film “Wonder Woman” and then the small budget Mike Leigh films.

Our students were thoroughly spoilt, in listening to Naomi’s stories, some too read to repeat! And to being served Tea and cakes……Long may It continue I say……

If you wish to be part of this fantastic academy; well you have two chances as we have just two places left for our most comprehensive course, The Four Month Course. Read more and nab those spots ! Click here.

afternoon tea at our academy

Afternoon Tea with Lindy Hemming

We had the greatest of pleasure in inviting the award winning costume Designer Lindy Hemming, to our Afternoon Tea session.
We chose an apricot sponge and a cappuccino and chocolate Swiss roll….Marks and Sparks of course! And pots of tea!!
Lindy won her Oscar for “Topsy Turvy”as did our very own Christine…has been BAFTA nominated for “Dark Knight” and “Four Weddings And A Funeral.” She has worked on the new “Wonder Woman” , “Paddington,” “Casino Royale” and many more….

For someone who has worked on so many films, with so much experience, she has an incredible warmth and an unassuming character.

She spoke of how she designed the Batman costume, making it more breathable, and malleable allowing the actor to move more freely.
She also designed the whole look of Heath Ledger’s Joker and also designed the costume for Tom Hardy’s character “Bane”.
She spoke to our students in great length about the relationship between costume and makeup. She also stressed the importance of having a good working relationship with the DOP. (Director of Photography)

“It is paramount that you get on well and communicate with the Makeup Designer, that you are both on the right track. The finished look is all. It is no good if I am designing a high collar or such like and the Designer is thinking long locks of hair!….or low buns and hats !!”

The importance of prior research was also discussed. Christine and Lindy agreed that professional approach is very important for both Costume and Makeup Designers, as is the good mastery of the techniques used in both roles.

It was a great Afternoon Tea…thank you Lindy.

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