What Are Your First Jobs In The Morning?

We asked our wonderful Simone, who has begun her second major project since leaving the Makeup Academy;

What Are Your First Jobs In The Morning?

Well it depends on what we have going on for that day so I’ll give you a couple of different scenarios of how my days have been so far.

Today, I was the 1st to arrive. I put the hotsticks on (carmens were still in with the crowd boxes on the truck from the day before) for the artist and supervisor and went down to the ad’s to ask for a crowd sheet.

This gives me all the names of the crowd artists coming in for the mornings call. It wasn’t ready so I got the fittings sheet instead (this gives the list of future crowd artists coming In for different scenes, whom we will do hair on so we know what we are doing on the day they come in).

Made a cuppa!

Makeup artists came in. We had 4 today. All four for the call and them 2 will go to set and 2 will stay to the fittings. These sa’s are being fitted ready for Monday. We have fittings most days.

In between fittings we also prepped wigs and pieces for the next days call. This would help to make the mornings call a little quicker.  I have to keep notes of these so I know who has what piece to be given out in the morning call.

Then I had to pack up everything from the crowd room ready to take to the next days location.

We didn’t have much time to get to the location to drop the crowd stock off. They shut the doors promptly at 6. The sat nav kept saying we would arrive between 5.55 and 5.57! We made it with four minutes to spare and managed to get everything in but no time for me to set up the room!

Oh and today, one of the runners in costume I had met on Christine Blundell’s  film. ‘The Good Liar’. There were many graduates from the Makeup school on that film!

Next day

Arrived at 6am so I could set the crowd room up. Managed to get it done before the make up artists arrived. We had restaurant goers dining at a very posh restaurant scene so the hair and make up was amazing. I’m quite sure the makeup artists are having a challenge between each other to see who can use the most amount of hair pieces and make the tallest hair piece. It’s amazing to see all the techniques they use.

My role is to get all the sa’s through as quickly as possible. We have some artists doing just hair, some doing just make up and some doing both so it can be a bit of a juggling act. In between that I am doing make up and making sure I get continuity photos of all the sa’s. Some do try and escape me but the ad’s will get them for me if I miss someone.

Once the call was done I got teas. Oh breakfast was just some rolls brought up to us and before the sa’s swooped in to take them all I made sure I took some for all the artists who wanted some. The ad’s are great and really helpful.

I packed up all the stock ready to go again.

Craft made pancakes for crew so I went to get some for Jane (designer), Nicki (supervisor) and myself.

Cleaned make up brushes for whoever wanted them done. Packed my station and my supervisors station down. Went to unit base to get some paperwork for a new artist to sign. Had lunch (shepherds pie carrots and cabbage).

Had hoped we would be able to take our stuff to Thursdays location or back to Leavesden but we couldn’t as we would need to go through set!

There was nothing to do until we wrapped so we all chatted and I popped to set to watch a scene that I was curious about (of course it involved blood).

We wrapped at 7.30 so then we did our derig (great to see how the hair had been put together). And I was last out at 8.10.

Today….Was told to get here for 8am to pack our stuff onto the lorry to take back to Leavesden. Only to get here and find out that the lorry isn’t coming until 11am!!!

Simone is at present working on the story of “Alfred Pennyworth” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8425532/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast

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