What It Takes To Become A Makeup Artist?

Did you go to the IMATS 2018? Was it what you expected if it was your first time?

I managed to catch an invite via the launch of the new book “Leading Ladies of Makeup Effects” by Patricia Terry and Gary Christensen.

It features many brilliant designers and makeup artists; not just or very own Christine Blundell but the amazing Fran Hannon and Julie Dartnell. We also had the chance to meet “Montse Ribe” from Barcelona and up and coming makeup artist KC Mussman.

I will not write about Christine this time, as I am sure you have read about her already, if you are one of our avid readers.

Julie Dartnell’s career began when she got admitted into the BBC makeup department; one of 24 from 1400 applicants. Prior to this she went to evening classes to gain her A levels and then to a makeup course to learn makeup and hair.

Her many films range from her first big break in 1998 with “Shakespeare in Love” …soon many films were to follow…”Goya’s Ghost” to “Captain America” and her award winning “Les Misérables.”

We have been very fortunate to have had Julie teach hair and makeup at our Academy; she is a wonderful person and a great tutor!

The award-winning Frances Hannan has had a remarkable career and she is a phenomenally talented makeup and hair designer.

For those who can remember Fran was asked to design “The Singing Detective.” Apart from being a great TV series, it was a complicated and challenging makeup to design to create. The leading actor, one of my favourites, was Michael Gambon, who has a condition called “psoriatic arthropathy.” This is a skin disease where the skin flakes leaving sores and so for the makeup artist a very challenging project. Little did she know that this would be the start of her brilliant career. Films as diverse as “World War Z and King’s speech” followed.

We are hoping that Frances will soon be coming to have Afternoon Tea at the Makeup Academy. We shall keep you posted as to when that is.

Montse Ribe, is another amazing and award winning special effects artist who won her award on “I”. The kind of films that Montse works on are very different to the ones we spoke of above. The work has a different intensity and is far more time consuming, maybe you have to be laid back type of person for this kind of work and she certainly was very calm at IMATS when they were all being interviewed.

What I left with after listening to all the Ladies talk was a great feeling from the inspirational talk they all gave.

It was not the kind of over the top speech in American films where …”You can do anything if you try!” and yet it was. If you do wish to become a makeup artist as one of the panel said it is “Art and Attitude.” Good old fashion hard work and dedication.

If this is the field, hair and makeup for Film TV and Theatre,  you wish to work in then focus on what needs to be done and then slowly and methodically begin your journey.

One key element that came out was keep your passion and stay inspired – these were comments from people who have been in the industry for many years….they still have it!!!

If you are serious about joining these great artists, the first step is to take a Hair & Makeup course. Our next course begins September 3rd and we have three places available. To find out more call us 0207 485 4000.

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