Life In the Day as Wonder Woman.

Way back in October Clemmie, Monique, Gillian and I were lucky enough to be asked to join the Wonder Woman Make Up team! Clemmie, has been working with main team, Monique and I are the crowd room trainees, and Gillian is with 2nd Unit. Over the past 2 and half months we’ve learned loads and loved every minuet! The main unit make up team started 4 weeks of fittings and prep at the end of October. For Monique and I, this meant a lot of organising, researching and prep for shooting, as well as getting loads of hands on experience doing test make ups and cutting what felt like hundreds of military haircuts! We had some fellow trainees out from CBMA to lend a hand on the busier fittings days, helping with taking photos and getting stuck in with the research and moodboards. After all our hard work and prep we finally we started filming in November!

Our first day of shooting was in a top-secret location in central London. We shot some beautiful scenes with 25 lovely extras. The hair was the main focus for us, so all our crowd all had fabulous up do’s or dapper moustaches! Monique and I spent the day making sure the make up artists were well looked after, keeping on top of paper work, making sure we had plenty of continuity photos on set, and regular trips to craft to keep everyone happy!

Since then it’s been a bit of a whirlwind, we’ve spent a couple of weeks away at various locations shooting on anything from 3 to 300 + crowd! During our downtime while away you can find us relaxing in the hotel bar, or catching up on sleep in our rooms! It’s been incredible to see so many locations that aren’t usually available to the public and see how they’re transformed into beautiful sets. One of the best days was shooting out in Tilbury with hundreds of military extras. Seeing all our hours of clipper work looking perfect on camera was so satisfying!

Last Saturday was all about the facial! We fitted 50 moustaches (plus 1 skin illustrator Sharron special! See photo!) A lot of on set touch ups were required, so Monique and I made sure we were ready on set, armed with moustache glue and ipa, ready to help the make up artists with any moustache mishaps! We’re back at base for more fittings and prepping for our big upcoming crowd days this week, with a little help from Scarlett and Kirsty from main team

We’ve been getting into the Christmas spirit here at Leavsden, decorating the make up room and blasting out the Christmas music! Christmas has come early for Clemmie, as lovely Lesa brought her the worlds sparkliest phone case as a gift for all her had work so far! All of us are counting down the days till our well-earned Christmas holiday! 10 whole days to recharge, catch up on sleep and relax before we’re back on set! – Till then!

Laura, Monique and the make up team! xx

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